Thursday, 5 June 2008

Insect disco party

One last entry before bedtime...

We had an insect disco party in our vegetable garden tonight. I personally believe it was Tinkerbell and all her friends jiving down to some fairy beat. I have absolutely no clue to whom or what the flashing lights belong. Will have to investigate. In the meantime, we'll add "fairy" to the list of creatures visiting us at the house.

Sweet dreams.

1 comment:

Annette said...

Hi! Had forgotten about this until Bev reminded me yesterday, so have spent the last few minutes enviously reading all of i - I want to escape my life and join you! All looks fantastic, so pleased you've given yourselves this gift. Just wish I could share it ... can't wait for July. Hi Mathew, your bread looked great, hope you'll make some for us when we get there. You'll put Alexandra and Ashleigh to shame - they can't cook anything! Hi Ana, I liked the picture of you covered with spaghetti sauce. We all can't wait to see you again. xx Annette