Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Some pictures

Only some pictures today:

Gecko hunting!

Lunch today...

Planting basil...

The lounge at night...

And finally, my dinner tonight...costing less than 1 EUR - including the wine!


Anonymous said...

O.K So Here's my comment and this is just to see if it works !! First Did Matthew FIND any Gekkos, second... I LOVE Anna's style... sitting in an arm chair whilst boetie does all the hard work!!
Thirdly... better watch that waist line Rach.. if you want to but any of those stylish garments.

Anonymous said...

Mathew finds geckos constantly...but is not fast enough to catch them. I think we have a million in the garden. I hate their scuttling noises! Agree about the waistline!!!

Anonymous said...

Lunch looks like it's fit of a royal crowd.

The lounge appears heaps more cosy at night. What does the kitchen look like?

Leenis said...

Looks like Ralph is missing the kitchen.. HAH !